Project Zero X - A look into my life.

Project Zero is a little look into the life of a anime fan, college student, aspiring writer. You have been warned.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Well now that midterm week is over things are a lot better. Sad to say academicly things didn't turn out as well as I hoped. This I know without getting any grades back. Still I hope I can bring things up as the rest of the semester goes on.

I know my last entry might have worried some people, it worried me as well now that I look back on it. Still those feelings are gone and writing out those feelings really helped a lot. So many people keep their feelings locked inside, even their darkest and it isn't health. I would never kill myself but at times and I'll be honest the thoughts came to me and it does make you question things. I just want to reasure people, I'd never go that far believe me.

On a happier note I'm not home for a mini-break. I'll be heading back to school either tomorrow night ot wednesday morning. Spending time with the family has been good even though I get seriously annoyed at things that happen but doesn't anyone? I picked up the new Robotech game, Robotech Invasion - Not a great game but still enjoyable but its faults can easily be seen. It seems that its taking some heat over at the official forums.