I really do dislike April 1st. April Fools Day. Such a silly and pointless holiday. All it does is give people an excuse to treat others as if they were idoits or to be cruel or do things they normaly would have the sense not to do. Yet they are able to hide behind the claim that its only a joke. Joke indeed. Yet if you don't find it funny, people will claim you don't have a sense of humor. I find nothing funny in making fun of fun of someone in front of a group of people, or embarassing them in front of a group of strangers just so you or others can have a laugh.
I've disliked this day for the longest time. It wasn't always like this though. When I was very young I thought it was fine and enjoyed it along side most kids. Like putting whoopy cushions in people's chairs, that way everyone knew what made the sound even though it was funny. Still when I look back on it, I don't even find that funny anymore and see how that can hurt the feelings of others. I wish I could take back the times I laughed when I was younger. Sure later I see how bad a boy or girl felt after a prank was pulled on them and I'd say I was sorry for laughing and they understood but I wish I had the sense to not laugh in the first place.
Maybe my sense of humor isn't the norm. Or I've simply become jaded over the years and disillusioned by many things in life. One might think by reading this that I've been on the short end of many pranks over the years. That honestly isn't the case. I just simply don't like seeing them pulled on others. This might be weird to some and others might take the stance that if it isn't happening to you then I shouldn't worry about it. That type of thinking is what is wrong with this world and especially what is wrong with this country I feel.
There are times when I question why I live in a country that feels the need to have a holiday to allow some people to embarass, harass, and be cruel to others under the veil of jokes. Or even a country, well world where we have a holiday that simply only serves to remind those that are single, widowed, or have been betrayed by a significant other how alone they are while those around them throw their relationships in the fact of others with no regard. They are already with someone, there are 365 days in the year where they can prove their love to their significant other. They can and should be able to express their feelings on any of those days in private, yet people need a special day to remind them that they love or care for their wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend. I just wish valentines and april 1st could be erased from history.