Ever have a day where things can be going so well and then something small and perhaps petty can completely kill your mood. Having one of those days to a degree. Picked up the game Company of Heroes (Game of the Year edition) the other day and was looking forward to playing it as I'm a big RTS fan. However it seems I got one of the copies of the game that was badly duplicated. Lucky me -_-. I'm not so much upset that I can't get the game to work but more so that I feel I've wasted money and time. I'm more then annoyed that THQ even allowed this to happen and didn't issue a recall to the stores the games were shipped just so no one unknowingly purchased the defective products. This has made up my mind though. I won't be buying anymore games from them over this. Might sound petty but action through my wallet is the only thing that works but I'm sure the lose of my sale won't be missed or even matter.
It's situations like this that make me glad I'm pulling away more and more from computer gams and focusing on console games only. Sure if you get a bad copy of a game you can at least exchange it for a new one. With computer software you are out of luck and even then they'll most likely make you pay for shipping of the product if they want it back so they can send you a new copy even though they were at fault.
I'm just ranting now I guess.
It's situations like this that make me glad I'm pulling away more and more from computer gams and focusing on console games only. Sure if you get a bad copy of a game you can at least exchange it for a new one. With computer software you are out of luck and even then they'll most likely make you pay for shipping of the product if they want it back so they can send you a new copy even though they were at fault.
I'm just ranting now I guess.