Congrats Randy and Rook.
I use their online screen names but they know who they are. Congrats on your new bundle of joy. While you two have two other little ones and are happy to have a third I'm sure you aren't looking forward to the sleepless nights.....again. :)
I honestly can not wait till I'm able to start a family of my own. Before I can do that though I need to find a good woman. That's hard though. With so many tv shows about women and men cheating on each other, having sex with anyone they meet or drunk enough around, getting divorced. Seeing you two, my parents, and other members of my family still together gives me hope in a world that continues to depress. Even though I'm sure you have your fights, and my parents have had their fair share(I hate it when it happens, like I"m sure every child hates to be around their parents yelling at each other) and are still together I hope I can experience this one day and for a long time and not have to worry if the person I'm with will be faithfull.
I try to remind myself that what I see on TV and read doesn't really reflect the majority of Americans or people around the world but at times it does feel like that doesn't it? Think happy thoughts I guess.
Happy New Years and to many more everyone!!
I use their online screen names but they know who they are. Congrats on your new bundle of joy. While you two have two other little ones and are happy to have a third I'm sure you aren't looking forward to the sleepless nights.....again. :)
I honestly can not wait till I'm able to start a family of my own. Before I can do that though I need to find a good woman. That's hard though. With so many tv shows about women and men cheating on each other, having sex with anyone they meet or drunk enough around, getting divorced. Seeing you two, my parents, and other members of my family still together gives me hope in a world that continues to depress. Even though I'm sure you have your fights, and my parents have had their fair share(I hate it when it happens, like I"m sure every child hates to be around their parents yelling at each other) and are still together I hope I can experience this one day and for a long time and not have to worry if the person I'm with will be faithfull.
I try to remind myself that what I see on TV and read doesn't really reflect the majority of Americans or people around the world but at times it does feel like that doesn't it? Think happy thoughts I guess.
Happy New Years and to many more everyone!!